The Process of Chrysalis

November 3, 2016
Shih Yin

Shih Yin

Nymphalidae – Danaus plexippus – Chrysalis

As we all know, one of the most remarkable processes of transformation is the process of a caterpillar undergoing the changes of chrysalis. Understanding every section of this transformation will help us adapt to our human process of evolution into the higher levels of consciousness.

The body is a vessel, a structure like an intricate biological computer. It needs to be able to accommodate and contain the new flow of more intense energies of the higher dimensional shift that we are about to enter. The first priority is the complete dismantling of the old structure, a definite prerequisite before any new structures can be created. It is not an easy process and has not been possible before the agreement of the Harmonic Convergence occurred. It is now an integral part of every ascension pathway.

Understanding the miracle of the process of chrysalis will give us the opportunity to recapitulate and integrate all the information given to us. It is an intense journey and requires complete commitment to the work involved and the readiness to surrender to the Higher Self. This is just the beginning; we have only entered the first section of the pathway. It is an opportunity to examine the self and ask the question whether the inner self wants to continue with this pathway or to search for a more compatible one.

When we begin to wrap our minds around the role of a human caterpillar about to enter the state of Chrysalis, we have begun to take that giant step toward enlightenment.

The following is a glimpse of the human journey of discovery and evolution of the soul.

I am that is what I claim to be

Choosing to walk the path that is for me

Step by step I lift my feet

With courage and love I face everything I meet

My life was written before I came

I chose to enter the game with a different name

This game board of life is but a new play

To live and anchor the energy of LOVE to stay.


I reach for the silence within

That’s the only place to begin

In the silence is when I can hear

And know that my soul partner is near.

The road maybe challenging and long

But my soul partner is strong

I surrender to her loving hand

She will lead me safely across the shifting sand

She whispers, love is always here

Release the shackles of your fear

I will never, ever leave you

 I will guide you, I will pull you through

The door is opened every time you knock

You are the key, just turn the lock

Enter a different stage, a different sight

No more shadows—step into the light.

I choose to climb no matter how narrow and steep

Yes, on the way I may laugh and weep

Through storms of wind, rain, and snow

I choose to go and go and go

Giving up is not a choice for me

For my passion is to be

To everyone I extend a helping hand

To walk together toward the Promised Land

I come to Earth to find my way

I come to you to share today

Everything I say and do, you also can

I am just like you and every woman and every man.

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