Quan Yin, JAN. 2025 BLOG

January 3, 2025
Shih Yin

Shih Yin

Quan Yin Blog – January 2025

Welcome to 2025, a extremely important powerful year because the evolutionary shifting patterns that are happening during these next 3 years have never happened before. January 1, 2025 carries the numerical energy of number 9. The Spiritual ALARM clock is ringing to awaken as many people as possible as powerful Gates are being opened to give us the opportunity to jump ahead. It is the layer of completion and the Dragon has a number of questions for us before it opens the gate for the SERPENT. What have you completed this year? How far have you learned your life-lessons? How much have you accepted the energies of FORGIVENESS? How strong have you embraced the higher energies of RESPECT, INEGRETY AND SELF-TRUTH? Have you mastered the layers of your EGO? Where is your EGO still hiding? What spiritual pathways and teachers have you chosen? How strong is your commitment to your spiritual growth? How strong is your common-sense-factor and mindfulness?

During the last Moon waves of 2024, we were presented with some last-minute SELF-CHECKING actions to prepare ourselves. The Holodeck doors are opening and will appear to those who are ready and choosing to step onto the next level of Consciousness.

Positive affirmations are highly recommended to help us ground into the new magnetic field as it continues to shift. Every energetic shift affects every part of the Earth and every part within our bodies. We are of the Earth and the Earth elements are within us. These powerful energy surges will bring up anything that we have not yet healed for as we heal so does the Earth. Every Karmic layer of past and present lives is brought to the surface to be re-examined. Many will feel the Ego’s resistance in the form of PEMS pain as the Ego personality resist the Soul-partner’s voice. Deep hidden wounds and old scar-tissues might suddenly re-appear, triggering re-suffering of every layer in the PEMS bodies during these times of CHANGE. Resistance is futile for it only creates a bigger karmic load. The experiences of the inner child, the teen and the adult need to be acknowledge, forgiven and healed before any forward movement can occur within the new pathways of evolutionary consciousness.

The energetic waves are increasing in volume and power and has been building like a tsunami and will affect everything and everyone on Earth. Remember that water is present in everything and is the conduit for emotions. The Earth is washing and cleansing itself in preparation for the next phase of a 3D planet morphing into 5D. The same thing is happening within us.

The only way to safely face this tsunami is to find and stay on HIGH GROUND. High ground as in a higher level of conscious awareness and acceptance of the Great Shift. Every area on the planet is facing this tsunami and every organ within us is affected in the same manner of cleansing. Many may leave the living reality and choose to enter the spirit world where things are less intense. Every Spiritual growth pattern of the Soul has to be experienced in living human form and No-one is exempted no matter where you are trying to hide. The Soul essence seem to learn and grow more rapidly when faced with suffering and pain in a human body living in 3D-duality. The Earth-body is a living entity and it has to go through the same cleansing and upgrading rate as the human body in order to reach the higher levels of transcending growth. This extreme tsunami cleansing was predicted as a potential forward movement after the Harmonic convergence and it is now manifesting in this time line. The collective human-mass consciousness has reached the required percentage to be subjected to the intensity of a tsunami power wash. Imagine going through a very powerful car-wash or even a huge laundry washing machine. Let go of the FEAR –False Evidence Appearing Real. Remember that FEAR is the Ego’s main tool and supervisor 😊 in charge of keeping everything under control.

The human race is about to evolve from a carbon-based 3D body into a 5D silicon-based body that can hold more light particles to form the new Light Body. The light-body is the new model vehicle for the Soul partner that can journey into the higher spheres of Divine-God-Creator source. The Soul’s assignment is to merge the human essence with the God particles of light. The ancient masters knew that everything is built, created out of millions of particles, molecules of constantly spinning, moving and growing electrons in several layers. The human body is made up of the ETHERIC BODY (SPIRITUAL), the MENTAL BODY, the ASTRAL BODY, the EMOTIONAL BODY and are all connected and wired in the PHYSICAL BODY. The Planet Earth’s body is made up of similar energetic layers (Lay-lines) and goes through the same trauma and suffering with every changing shift.

What is inside our bodies is also present outside of us for we are part of the Living-Life-Force of the Earth Realms. Energy never dies but the physical container follows the same life and death cycle as every living organism on Earth. The Soul-body is the Divine-Life-Force energy that is eternal and chooses to enter the heavy density of a 3D world to learn and gain divine wisdom. It cannot experience the suffering and trauma needed to learn and thus must connect in a symbiotic partnership with a human body to do so. After a millennia of human experiences through many incarnations, the Soul together with its human-symbiont has finally reached the final gate towards the higher dimensional corridors.

The following are other channels that speak the same spiritual language in different voices edited by Shih Yin (Quan Yin’s literary agent) 😊

Charlie’s message for 2025

Remember this my friends. We are here together to LIVE of the truth of LOVE. Deep in our human heartness is God’s Light of FREEDOM. Kindness is truthfull as we respect each other. Love lives inside us for spirit’s healing Light. Beautiful Souls in every person is a key to be FREE. Joyness is our true living love for life. DON’T FORGET OK.

Channel By J.Schiltz

This time period in the Ascension process is impacting the physical in ways not previously seen on this journey. The codes coming in from the Sun, the Galactic center and Divine Source are flowing into our core that include our Heart and Cranial areas. Where we are experiencing pain or energetic congestion is where we are holding resistance, unresolved trauma and Ego based limitations. The beams of Light that are now pouring in are hitting these dense spots like a battering ram, pushing against the black blogs and stains. It exposes the root cause of the blockages and when not addressed manifest in pain, more injury and illnesses.  Areas that are free of these black blotches are allowing smooth light energies to flow through shifting the subtle layers with ease. We have stored, and filed many of the records we created through many incarnations and now is the time to allow the Light to fully penetrate all layers of our being.

The suffering, discomfort and pain are to draw our attention, like a beacon saying, “Hey, look here! There is something in you that can no longer be ignored.” Ask the question: “What are you showing me about ME?” When we refuse or reject the answers, it will play out in different unexpected scenarios in our lives. It is so much easier to see the hidden errors and dark patterns of resistance in others than in ourselves.


By Aurora Ray

The Golden age of Light that has been predicted has officially begun. The following messages are being broadcasted into the Collective Mass consciousness as we enter the path of evolution.

All darkness will be removed. Financial worries will eventually evaporate. All illnesses become a history lesson of the distant past. This is the beginning of the END of Linear time, soon watches are no longer needed as we enter the NOW TIME.

Do you understand now why we talk about reaching the so-called Critical Mass? Do you see how it all depends on you? Where one goes, we all go for we are all connected. Many false messages are flooding the media, telling you that other high beings will come and save you, rescue you and take you out of your misery. It is all part of 3D-Ego drama to persuade you to give your power away by telling you that everything will be done for you.

Those who claim that everyone will ascend without doing anything are lost in their Ego laziness, procrastinations and seeking the easy way out. There is only one way to travel this road and that is doing the work yourself. The higher you can manage to vibrate, the more abundance in love, health and wealth you will attract. Your work will affect the people around you and the ascension process will be accelerated for everyone. You need to take a serious look in the mirror and see if you can find your true-self. It takes training the self to everything you say, think, do or act comes from a place of Love, Compassion, Empathy, Integrity, Authenticity and Enlightenment.

The first wave to enter the 5th-dimensional frequencies of Consciousness is now entering the Earth Realms. The second, third and consequential waves will shortly follow. The old matrix still exists for those who cling to it but those who have chosen to do the inner work and have gone through the dark nights of the Soul begin to enter the reality of a new Earth. Right now, there are millions of unaware people running around in confusion and fear. They are terrified, scared to death as they belief that their very survival and comfort zones are threatened to the very core.


2025 will be like a Spiritual corridor of opportunities for the Earth and humans to integrate and embrace the new knowledge and wisdom that may propel us into a new era of Spiritual growth. Entering and enveloping our consciousness within the Stillness of the EYE-of the storm provide the best high-ground spot as the energy tsunami sweeps across the globe.  2025 will provide the first step for those who are ready to dive into the Change. In other words, it is as if this is the first flight out of 3D-duality for those who have the right ticket 😊 This has never happened before and the Goddess Quan Yin has been given the authority to offer special tickets of entry for all who choose to walk the ascension pathways on their own two feet towards the ASCENSION AIRLINE (AA) departure gate. 😊 Because of their FEAR of the unknown and unfamiliar happenings many will choose to listen to the collective Mass-Ego voice and withdraw into their comfortable shells of ignorance of the Spiritual child state. All the Star Galactic people are very excited to watch and see how many humans are able to catch this first flight out.

This first phase will last for 3 years and then the Holodeck doors are being closed again until the next Dragon year of 2036. These time slots are loving gifts of the Soul teams to help those humans who have not yet passed the requires tests and who have chosen to remain in their comfortable holodecks. No one will be left behind for every holodeck remains within the Earth-Mother-Ship as a kind quarantine space of healing.

However, the departure gate once opened, remains available for those who can make it out into the departure lounge where there is still an opportunity to catch the next shuttle with the right ticket. No carry-on (earth-bound attachments) and no extra luggage (old unresolved karma) allowed on these special flights…

I have my ticket and I am NOT selling it to anyone 😊 How about you???

Shih Yin

Life Changing Times

Most of us are beginning to realize that the world around us is changing, and as the Earth changes, so do we as human beings. Our human bodies are part

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