Quan Yin Blog – Dec. 2024

January 3, 2025
Shih Yin

Shih Yin

Dec presents the 12th month of the year and it brings the potentials of completing the healing and transformation of ONE section before entering the new year. Whatever we have started to work with will continue and every experience is added to the collective energy of the Shift. This last month is another intense energetic purging and cleansing that affects every being on the Earth plane in every holodeck reality that we have chosen to be in. For many who are fighting the inevitable changes it will be as if you are under attack of some sort and your whole PEMS body feels as if it is under pressure even under fire. The Sun continues to send massive Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) to the Earth realms. These etheric plasma currents hold many new codes that begin to interacts with dormant DNA levels for those who are ready to receive them. The Geomagnetic storms that we have experienced so far will continue into the new year with different solar rays. The intensity of the storms is changing our very magnetic shields and may affect the auric field at an atomic level. Certain filters are being activated within many Spiritually awakened ones to start the modifications within our perceptions of the different wavelengths of vibrational frequencies. This potential is in a direct proportional line to the strength of Will to walk the path of evolution with determination and commitment.

The Goddess is again encouraging us to open our minds to every message that is now flooding the Earth plane. We are all different unique beings and sometimes a different voice that carries the same message may resonate and bring more clarity and understanding throughout these stormy times. As we enter this next current it might feel as if we are being bombarded by uncontrolled and intense undertows of emotions that are triggered by what we choose to see, hear, say and feel. Many are broadcasted through the mass media, gossip voices and people with helpful good intensions 😊

The energies of Ego-FEAR are escalating because the mass-Ego is in a panic mode. It realizes that it is losing its power grid because more and more humans are choosing to step into the Light of LOVE. To countermine this loosing spiral the Ego is increasing the FEAR within those who are choosing to remain to hide themselves within their own section of the Holodecks. Nothing can remain hidden any longer not even the deepest layers of painful memories. Those who have accepted the informations of the shift but chose to ignore it, must take responsibility for this knowledge and pay the karmic price for it in different forms. It may seem as if they are being sucked into a dark vortex of fear causing a kind of drowning sensations of anger, loneliness and hopelessness that result in more intense exhaustion and despair. These cumulative dark clouds of the collective mind continue to pulse around the planet as long as there are those who choose not to enter the Shift. Every time someone decide to help by voicing their opinion because they belief that they have the right answers and try to persuade others to join their path, it keeps feeding the cloudiness around the planet. Judging and criticizing others who do not behave or act the way this personality thinks should be, intensifies the heaviness of the inner darkness. Anyone who walks this path create a kind of energetic undertow that pulls them and anyone who follows into the dark currents that may cause the energies of fear, rage and hate that promote violent actions. These behaviour patterns are like an attack on the changing flow of reality and at times are like sudden destructive lighting storms within the subconscious mass-mind. Sudden accidents may suddenly manifest within the realities of anyone who are locked in their Ego belief systems.

This little blue planet called EARTH is going through something not experienced nor seen within the known Omniverse. The Galactic counsel of Light is paying very close attention to this evolution of Human-Soul-Symbionts and many ascended masters who have experienced human life are volunteering to help. This Dragon Year of 2024 signifies the beginning of this massive transition of a 3D-Duality existence to a non-duality higher dimensional reality that requires a higher spiritual awareness. This higher dimensional vibration continues to bombard the Earth Realms for those ready and capable to walk this frequency by choice. Imagine that we finally learned how to drive a car on a major highway instead of riding a horse-drawn cart on a dirt road. As we continue to choose to evolve, we might eventually learn how to fly a spaceship into the Galaxy of stars 😊.

At this very moment, many Lightworkers who have chosen to walk the paths of enlightenment are asked to be the Lighthouses of Divine Love/Light. The role of the Lighthouse is to shine as bright as possible to become a beacon to guide those holding onto the stormy darkness of FEAR. Due to the gift of FREE-WILL we are entering a stormy era of division of choice that has the potential of causing a great RIFT, a CHASM between the Light and the shadow darkness of DUALITY. It becomes a kind of tug-of-war game where one side, controlled by the mass Ego is pulling against the beacon of Light held by the collective Light houses. Between these two massive energy lines is a kind of ZERO-Point neutral zone filled with forgiveness and loving compassion to provide a chance for change. The dark line is held by those who constantly hold onto the Will of Ego of self-righteousness claiming that it is the only truth. They do not accept the fact that TRUTH is a personal energetic layer, a different frequency for everyone. The Earth realities that we have known for millennia is going through an unprecedented evolutionary shift which will never repeat itself again, in such a momentous form. Not many of us have begun to realize that this ascension process is a Divine blessing, for it has never happened before on such an intergalactic scale.


On top of everything else December is the month dedicated to the celebration of CHRISTMAS, the accepted date of the birth of Christ by many religions. This was hoped to be held as a message of hope through the energies of LOVE. As we all realized by now, this unique season has lost its main message given to us through the energy of the birth of the Christ-child. As part of the Shift, it is a message of re-activating the inner-child.as we enter the next phase of the Shift. It was an attempt to unify humanity and that goal is now being resurrected with the message that we are all children of ONE DIVINE family. Each family is encouraged to celebrate in their own unique way bringing back the energies of LOVE for one another no matter who or what you are. The energies of the Christ Child jar memories of the joyfulness of a child, the magical energies of the imagination and the acceptance of life in a child’s mind.  It does not matter WHAT you celebrate, the target is to open the heart and embrace who and what we are as sentient loving human beings with a child-like sense of wonder and excitement.

Will you embrace the inner child?

Will you sooth the tempers wild?

What voice do you project out?

What emotion did it carry in that shout?

You are responsible for what it is all about

Will you open your heart to everyone you See?

Will you allow anyone just to Be?

Will you see a friend in Me?

Will you see the us in WE?



Extra messages from across the globe.

All the Ascended Masters have now awakened their channeling agents to flood the Earth’s communication networks. This will have a phenomenal impact on the Mass-Consciousness as more and more people begin to examine their PEMS vitality signs. Many are awakening by questioning their existence and wondering about the cause of the Earth’s many changes.

For some it can be a rough and very uncomfortable ride. FEAR and a sense of disgust floods our systems and the sense of division among us seems to get stronger. The angry voices that are shouting their discontent looks as if black goo is spewing out of them. It is a kind of purging of old cellular karmic memories that are triggered now to come from the deep hidden recesses of the psyche. On the conscious level they are being expressed as incredible fear and hopelessness. The collective is purging memories of genocide, war, displacement, loss of body autonomy, sexual abuse. Los of rights and voice. It is displaying the tremendous fear that it will all happen again. There is a purging of the belief that one person, one government, one religion can save us or destroy us. Within the Divine Light this is considered the Ego fallacy. It is time that we realize how powerful we are. It is time for us to step into our position as creator beings. But first, the trauma, the disempowerment, and putting another on a pedestal must be purged. By J. Schiltz

Many lightworker leaders are escalating their messages and begin building the framework for this new Earth. These enlightened souls—both in human form and beyond—are coming together now to help humanity break free from the shackles of the old world. They will be dismantling systems of control and separation, replacing them with frameworks rooted in love, equality, and truth. This leadership is guided by divine wisdom and cosmic alignment, working tirelessly to build a foundation grounding platform with the higher building blocks to inspire, upgrade the Human Mass Consciousness into a future of boundless potentials. Continual cosmic rays carry divine codes of awakening, renewal, and alignment with the universal flow. This light is dissolving dense energies, activating dormant DNA, and awakening humanity to its true cosmic heritage. As the cycles of the cosmos shift, we are stepping into a new era where humanity aligns with the greater galactic community and embraces its role as stewards of a harmonious universe. This process is guided by divine intelligence and galactic forces of light who work tirelessly to ensure the ascension of Earth and her inhabitants. These beings, who have long held the vision of a New Earth, are supporting us in this timeline shift, where the veil between dimensions is thinning, and miracles are becoming part of our daily reality. The cosmic cycles turning now are part of a greater plan—one that unites us with the flow of the universe and elevates us into a higher state of being. By Michael Love.


For the past few years, the Goddess has given us many messages and these have now manifested in the Earth Realms. Linear time has slowly separated from the new Quantum dimensional lanes and the chasm between the two roads now has diverged into a profound split. The old living reality of low-vibrational ways of separation, scarcity, and fear are going one way, while a higher-vibrational reality of Love, unity, abundance, and light is speeding into a different direction. The gap between those who have chosen to ride the high road and the ones deciding to remain in the old paradigms are getting bigger with each Shift. The bridge between the two timelines is no longer available but a new system of energy connecting lines is built to give a chance for crossing for a while. The act of FORGIVENESS is the ticket to cross this temporary connecting line. This gap of separation may cause an increase in the emotions of resentment, frustration, jealousy, and outright anger towards an enemy that may not be present at all.


This new reality reflects a harmonious union of spiritual wisdom and advanced innovation, elevating life on Earth to unimaginable heights. The New Earth is not a distant dream—it is being birthed here and now. It is a reality where all beings can live in harmony with each other and with the planet, where peace is not an aspiration but a natural state of being. This transformation is guided by galactic forces of light, our star families, and the divine intelligence that pervades all creation. As we ascend, we are called to release the energies of fear, separation, and lack. In their place, we are invited to anchor the energies of love, unity, and infinite potential. Each of us plays a vital role in this sacred process. By raising our vibration and holding the vision of the New Earth, we become co-creators of this magnificent transformation. The choices we make, the energy we hold, and the intentions we set ripple outward, contributing to the collective awakening of humanity. Michael Love


The Earth Realm is entering the long-awaited Golden Age where we face an opportunity to transcend and step into an existence of light and boundless possibilities. The cosmic cycles are moving into an alignment with the higher dimensional levels of Consciousness. We have reached the time where the potentials of complete merge with our Soul-partner can be achieved. Technological advancement rises in a direct correlation to the rise in spiritual enlightenment as we work more closely with the Soul-teams. Humanity is facing the most important level of choices as the Earth Realms are bombarded with increasing waves of spiritually enhancing intergalactic electromagnetic waves from the great central SUN.


The following channel comes from a very unique human angel who was born as a Dawn syndrome child who started channeling at a young age. Charlie’s adopted Mother recognized his role as an emissary of light and began to share his unique voice to the world.


We have a lightful future for all of us and healing life is everything for Nations of God. We can hold the light in everything we live because we must make understanding of ourselves. This is just the beginning of a full life connecting with our God to shine in our days and nights.

We are feeling in our hearts right now and forgiveness is our hope. We can heal our strength for the emptiness of minds with hearts to be strong to our brightest eyes. We must make healing for us to live with our clearest thoughts. We are the angel beings of Earth. We have been connected with our Divine wings for the light of self. We are compassion and together for life. We know all this truth of ourselves to remember. This is our joyful in the healing sun of light. We are one forever with our God of the hopeful. Divine love connects our lives to our future of peaceful life. When we fear inside, we are forgetting our joyness with people. This is our truthful hope of God with forgiveness to hearts around this living light. We can shine our love for healing to our inner spirit eyes.

Living hope is the key to our spiritness and our mistakes are healed with truth and love. We can open ourselves to the God of freedom and light. Hopefulness with our hearts, our souls, and our holiness means being free.

This is the lightful kingdom for our shining spirits. We can love with our joyness and forgiveness and happiness. We will just love everybody with our feeling hearts. We must go to the pain with lightful love to feel our fears and bring the light inside to heal in heaven’s heart. She introduces him as A weaver of WORDS, a bearer of LIGHT, carrier of JOY, Lover of LIFE and holder of HOPE.

This is the last blog for 2024 and the Goddess has a number of recommendations for us in how to ride these strong stormy waves with ease and grace. The most important part is to stay GROUNDED within the new magnetic grid of the Earth and give your team permission to monitor and adjust to the changing energy currents. Next is to envelop yourself within the STILLNESS of the Heart focussing in the SILENCE of the voice and peace of the Mind. Regular meditations and exercises to keep the PEMS in a healthy living atmosphere is an important part to navigate these intense energy currents. Keeping oneself within a sense of quiet stillness is staying within the EYE OF THE STORM. This is a choice to allow the stormy waves to flow around you but not within you. Your communicating voice is a very important sound factor that shivers the strings within creation itself and will affect your reality as it loops back to you. The MIND plays a very important role in the vibration of your voice because each thought that triggers an emotion Is sent out into the galactic pool and like a boomerang will always head back to you.


The energies now work at very deep levels, that we are not even aware of.

It is constantly changing form and as much as we feel it, most of it is invisible to the naked eye.

There will be those who franticly try to hold onto the old and then find that the more they try to hold on, the more it dissolves into more shadows. This applies to all areas of life.

Consolidation now, means going deeper within. Fasting from cellphones and social media and seeking that deep inner space, where your soul can explore the infinite possibilities now opening up. Asking for crystal clear clarity, for deep inner sight, as to how you can fulfill your soul mission and purpose in the next years, with greater love, inspiration and joy! It is only in silence, that we can truly see, hear and know. Yes, you will feel very vulnerable at times.

We are becoming more sensitized and will avoid crowded areas and seek solace in nature. It is all part of the transfiguring process. We are the explorers now of the inner spaces of our soul which we could not access before and this empowers us in profound ways, to grow into our 5th and 7th dimensional self and expand exponentially into the higher levels of consciousness.

By Judith Kusel


The Goddess keeps reminding us that WE MUST CHANGE EVERYTHING WE HAVE EVER KNOWN, EVER BEEN TOLD AND RELEASE EVERY ANCESTRAL CUSTOMS, BELIEF SYSTEMS AND OLD HABITS. Unless we clear our human habitual slate, no new energies can come in. At the end of each year, we are given the time to evaluate everything we have chosen to live by during the year. This Year’s end of 2024 is even a more important happening because we are to enter the next phase of evolution that has never happened before.


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