The 2024 Wood Dragon – Year Of The Dragon

August 13, 2024
Shih Yin

Shih Yin

What many of you are beginning to feel is the thinning of the veils as 3D-Mother-Ship-Earth is about to break through the first layers of the 3 D barrier. It is affecting every energetic layer of everything on the planet as the Earth-Ship is breaking through the electromagnetic layers of linear time. The Sun is helping by sending more powerful waves of solar flares and radio-active waves.

Since the agreement of 1987, everything was first going through the massive demolition process until we reached 2000. That was when the Shift to jump unto the new track began. It took 12 years until 2012 to prepare the new track/runway. It needed the Dragon energy of 2012 and the Gama energy from the Sun to clear things up. This year of 2024 is the next Dragon year. It is a momentous occasion because it is going to be the first step towards the next phase in the Shift. Everyone in the Universe is watching because this is the first time that something like this is happening. That the evolution of the Soul is allowed to take the human template with them as the Earth Planet is leaving its 3D harbour and detach from the anchor of Linnear time.

The Dragon gate will open on Feb 10th where the dragon is the guardian at this first portal. This whole year of 2024 is the time for any who are choosing to enter the spiritual Space port, time to prepare the necessary travel documents.

What some of us are feeling is the dismantling and thinning of the veils as 3D-Mother-Ship-Earth is about to break through the first layers of the 3 D Earth-Realm-barrier that are

held in the Linear Duality Time lines. It is affecting every energetic layer of everything on Earth especially the PEMS human layers.

Since the agreement, everything was going through the massive reconstruction process when we reached 2000.That was the beginning of the Shift. It took 12 years until 2012 to prepare the runway/new track. It needed the Dragon energy to clear things up for the Dragon holds all the 4 elements, especially the fire that is needed for purification. This year of 2024 is the beginning of the next 12-year process until 2036 when the next Dragon appears again. It is a momentous occasion because it is going to be the first step towards the next phase in the evolutionary process of the SOUL. Everyone is watching because this is the first time that the Soul-human symbiotic partnership is allowed to evolve together into a higher level of Consciousness that only exist in the higher dimensions. The present human vessel model cannot live in this higher plane and needs to be rebuilt and reconfigured to match the Soul’s energetic make-up.

The Dragon gate will open on Feb 10th where the dragon is the guardian at this first portal. We have been given the opportunity within this whole year of 2024 to choose which ticket we would like to work towards. Imagine preparing to save up enough money to buy the right ticket and filling up all the required paper work to apply for an entrance visa.

There are 3 stations you must pass before you can enter the section that you want to be in. If you are rejected you will be escorted back outside the entrance and must start all over again, back to the end of the line. 

First you face the Security sections. What weapons are you carrying? Weapons of anger, retaliation, revenge, jealousy, abusive swear words etc etc.

Next you face the customs area. What are you still keeping with you? Your jewellery, your love of material wealth, what you wear to make you look more beautiful, more loved, accepted, etc 

The final gate is held by the Immigration agents. We are to leave this 3D-Duality reality and enter a whole new world.

Have you signed your application form, updated your ID information? Have you released your attachments to your habits, your belief systems, your ancestral customs? Are you ready to enter this new world as a brand-new personality?

Are you ready to follow the new rules of the new world? Are you ready to enter this gate completely by yourself and to take responsibility for your own actions, words, emotions and spiritual awareness?

These 3 check points are at each station where your application for the right ticket must be approved and signed by the Ultimate Divine Mother Shekinah (DNA # 9, sign of completion) 

Mother Gaya loves us so much that she has created special compartments/Holodecks in the Mother Ship/train. No one will be left behind but those choosing to remain blind and asleep will be kept unconsciously in the appropriate Holodeck/compartment in the 3D-Duality section. Think of it as a very long train with many compartments/Holodecks that are separated by very heavy doors. The ones still mired in the energies of duality are passengers in the first 3 areas.

The Tail-end of the Train, Lower Holodecks.

Warrior level – those who choose violence and carry every weapon they think can give them power over others. Each PEMS layer can be used as a weapon. A negative voice can be as sharp as a spear or knife. A negative action/word can be just as hurtful as a punch. They think that it is their right to be controlling, abusive and that society approves and owes them a life that they are worthy of. The use of brainwashing Media can be a powerful weapon.

Luggage area- those who are stuck on material possessions. They cannot let go of the earthly

things they love, house, cars, electronics, money, jewelry, make-up enhancements etc. This also include hanging on to relationships. Feeling that they are responsible to heal anyone and to take care of others in need. It is as if they carry very heavy burdens on their shoulders/back/heart, they complain constantly but at the same time not willing to let go of the Suffering.

Spiritual Guru level – Those who behave as if they have all the answers. They behave as Gurus, preachers of their Truth, that their religion is the only real ones, they are very fanatic about their beliefs and would criticize and judge anyone. They want their voices heard and insist that people pay attention to their cause. Violence is accepted in the name of God.

This section is barred with a darker energy wall that often boils with very black waves of chaos. In linear time this section remains anchored in the 3D-world of awareness. Imagine that the train is so long that this section is still stationary in the Station or the Plane waiting on the runway. It is very difficult for anyone in this section to enter the next one in this lifetime. Their Karmic luggage is getting bigger and heavier and cannot meet the required weight (Karmic energies)

Midway section, Middle Holodecks

The next section is seen as the intermediate areas of a very long train or the very large Space Ship. This part can grow larger as more and more people wake up to their Spiritual aspects.

Stand-By level, these are people who just want to wait it out and hope that someone else will do the work for them. They are procrastinators, Laziness is their choice, they want things the easy way. They are prepared to live their life just the way it is for change is not a choice. This group is seen as the Spiritual child levels.

Special sale – These are people who are not willing to pay the full price of the ticket. They do not care how long it takes but they believe that only a ticket that is on sale is worth it. They are prepared to wait it out and, in the meantime, continue with their lives without working on improving themselves. This is the Young-Spiritual-Teen stage where they think that they know it all and that their choice is the right one for everyone. A SALE of anything is the Quick fix for this group and they base their choices on this concept.

Spiritual lightworker- This group continues to believe that they have the right answers. And that they are doing it the right way. This is the Spiritually-Mature-Teen group because they believe that they are following all the spiritual rules. Meditating in the lotus position, being nice to others, that their job is to heal others, that Self-love is a very selfish act. They believe in the US VERSUS THEM thought pattern. The Spiritual EGO is in full control here. Grounding lines are anchored to the old system. This group rejects the new teachings as long as it does not match their interpretation of their belief system. They belief and feel that it is their job to indoctrinate and help anyone they consider to be of a low energy level.

The door or wall closing off this section is still very thick, more in the gray energy levels that at times can be stormy and tornado-like.

There is a long hallway to enter the next section seen as the FIRST-CLASS area. Security is very present here because only those who have acknowledged the presence of their Soul-Partner can enter. The Soul-partner is the only one who has the right ticket.

Some might reach this entrance if the soul partner is connected and accepted but has not yet completely merged. Travelling from one compartment to the next is possible here but the gates are difficult to find as long as the Spiritual Ego’s voice is still heard.

First Class

Spiritually Heart centered awakening (Economy class)- Those who are awakened by accepting the real truth of the SELF and begin the healing of the Self through FORGIVENESS. This group continues to search for Spiritual teachers and Mentors who can guide them but are still controlled by the spiritual EGO. Self-Love in the Heart is still something new for this group. Grounding and connecting to the Earth magnetic energy is a beginning action. 

Walking the Spiritual path (Business class) – Accepting the higher Spiritual teachings of knowledge but are still listening to the Spiritual EGO.

They are beginning to understand the truth about Self-Love and the presence of the Sacred Heart of Christ within themselves.

It is an up and down road for this group and they often fall off the pathway when the Spiritual Ego voice is still very strong. The members of this group keep insisting that they are walking the path but often choose to stop the journey and this is what I term as falling in a pothole.

Their Spiritual evolution comes to a FULL STOP and it takes a lot of work and effort for them to get out of this hole. For many they remain at this level until the next reincarnation.

Walking the talk of mastery (First class, diamond ticket) – This is where the human symbiont is completely one with the Soul Partner. This person walks the talk as ONE personality wrapped in Unity consciousness. These are the true messengers, the true teachers, mentors and guides because the Spiritual Ego has no hold on them any longer. This group holds the energy of what is known as THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. 

YES, there are who have reached this level but NOT many. They are the new spiritual MENTORS, TEACHERS and HUMAN GUIDES who have agreed to be the strongest and brightest Lighthouses to form the beacons in the DARKNESS OF THE SOUL. Their roles are that of the new Spiritual Adepts and Avatars whose only job is to share the information to increase the knowledge of the Divine creation within each seeker. Their focus is to teach the mastery of the Ego persona by helping the human-symbionts to recognize what happens when you feed the Ego versus mastering it. 

The Quan Yin EHF program is one of the most challenging roads to take for it requires the acceptance of the deep stillness of the Cocoon stages. The Goddess loves us so much that she has chosen to remain within the Earth Realms to help us. She needed people in human form to help convey her messages because spiritual awakening can only be experienced in human life. Only when we embrace the Silence of the alchemy within the process of Chrysalis can the transfigurations of the Soul-Human partnership begin. The emphasis is the understanding of the cocoon process that requires complete detachment and complete isolation from everything we have known, lived and experience before entering the lock-down reality of a cocoon. 

2024 will be flooded with more spiritually based information at all levels. It is up to us to choose which ones are compatible with our choices. Quan Yin is only asking that you embrace any information that resonates with you and you are free to add that to your spiritual toolbox that has equal value to the Quan Yin EHF program. She is increasing the essence of her Over-Light because of what we are about to enter into the next phase of evolution. Please remember that there are consequences to any misuse of any of the items in the Spiritual toolbox. Each one of us is held accountable based on the information given to us. Remember the story of the RED LIGHT. 😊 If you ignore the fact that a RED light means STOP, you are ready for an accident to happen. 

The 2024 Dragon carries the energy of WOOD which is part of the Earth grounding element. Its messages are therefore the need for stronger grounding wooden pillars. Wood(carbon) can burn easily and the Dragon encourages us to be aware of emotions that may ignite and break the stillness and silence of the cocoon stages. The stability and strength of wood can be the base for listening instead of arguing, for kindness, tolerance and patience may even bring creative loving patterns in the wood. The scales of this Dragon can be seen as works of translucence wooden art in many shades of creator light as a reflection of our carbon based human structure.


The Human Caterpillar

The human caterpillar wandered on the muddy ground

Until one day it heard the rooster’s awakening sound

The sun’s bright beam of light made it look around

It suddenly noticed with Fear where it was bound

It saw with clarity the squalor it had been living in

It chose to awaken into the awareness of self within

One day its familiar life has lost its meaning

It raised its suffering voice into a helpless keening

In its dreams there appear many Angelic lights

The human yearns to join the Angelic flights

Upon awakening it cried out loud: “I wish to change”

Teach me, no matter how hard no matter how strange

The journey into the light required the stillness of the cocoon

Free Will made the choice to enter the alchemy very soon

The Soul-partner shouted with joy and celebration

The Over-Soul can now be handed a happy notification

Three cocoons have been gifted to us by the Goddess of Mercy

For every human who steps into each cocoon courageously

For us she lovingly weaves the gold, the silver and the crystal shell

Within we slumber in complete surrender until the awakening bell.

For the human caterpillar Chrysalis is not an easy choice

For it has to detach from all its childish toys

Through three cocoons it has to submit and surrender

For Crystallisation is the path for every spiritual gender

Within the triple cocoons the human caterpillar is in stillness

The silence is where the celestial harmony shimmers in happiness

Safely held in the cocoon the alchemy begins to proceed

Transmorphing the human caterpillar into the human crystal seed

Are you ready for the stillness and isolation?

Are you ready to embrace complete separation?

Are you ready to enter the cocoon of transformation?

Are you ready to embrace the path of transcendentation?

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