January 1, 2022
Shih Yin

Shih Yin

This year brings hard-work especially for the Spiritual Tiger. If not grounded and committed to the work it will encounter turbulence on its path.

According to Chinese Astrology, people who are born under this sign are very charming and well-liked by others but can be very unpredictable. The Tiger is a very active personality, has courage, actively looks for adventures and can be very enthusiastic and very ambitious in life.

On the other side of the coin, the Tiger is not always flexible to changes, they deal with impulsive behaviour patterns and are easily distracted. It is habitual in nature and often falls into addictive behaviour patterns. The sign has a major influence on those born under it but it will also affect all the other signs. Especially this year, the Tiger attributes will have a major impact on all of us. The following is a quick look for those who choose to pay attention to the changing astrological currents starting in February 2022.

The year of 2022 carries the energy of the 6, which is the energy of the Spiritual-CROSSROADS. It is the energy of the WATER-TIGER that brings emotional waves for us to face. This Tiger brings many challenges to the World at large and it opens multiple choices for us to make. A Tiger can be very patient as it stalks its prey but it often forgets to focus since it is easily distracted and often looses self-control. It is quick to rise to a violent temper when provoked and thus tend to make rash decisions and looses its original intend.


This year brings hard-work especially for the Spiritual Tiger. If not grounded and committed to the work it will encounter turbulence on its path. The Ego persona does not like to listen to advice from others because it looks for more power and fame. It is greatly advisable for the Spiritual Tiger to learn more patience and enhance the LOVE overflow in the Heart center throughout this year. Their will be many challenges to gain spiritual development and each choice affects the physical biological structure of the human body.

From the Spiritual perspective, we are facing a different kind of virus infection. I have coined this the SPIREGO virus (SPIRITUAL EGO) 😊 It is also spreading very fast among the spiritually awakened community because a Tiger can run and cover a large area quickly. Relationships, family life and the search for quiet solitude are the major challenges for many spiritual seekers. The separation of the Time-lines has begun and it takes more work when the Tiger realizes that the choice did not feel right and it has to go back to find the right crossroad.

Shih Yin

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