EHF Articles Archives

A list of our complete EHF channeled articles

Shih Yin

Quan Yin November

The energies of the solar Eclipse of August continue to influence the currents of change across the globe. The purification powers of the phoenix are available to any who wish

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Shih Yin

Quan Yin October

We have gone through some intense energy waves and there is no let up. The Energetic ‘storms’ are upon us and will continue its momentum until the end of the

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Shih Yin

Quan Yin September

  The August eclipse was a very significant happening as it followed the opening of the Lion’s gate. The eclipse was a strong message of the POINT of NO RETURN

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Shih Yin

Quan Yin August

  The 8th day in August which is the 8th month signifies the energies of the ‘Lion’s Gate’. The shape of the 8 represents the infinity symbol of the First

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Shih Yin

Quan Yin July Blog

  July carries the energy of the numerical value of 7. It is a very unusual number for it stands in the mid-point of the energy scale. Numbers 1 to

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Shih Yin

Quan Yin June Blog

June the 6th month within the linear human time line is another significant crossroad point on the path of human evolution. It is a halfway point and provides the traveler

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Shih Yin

Mothers Day Blog

 The power of human thought energy when focused on one theme creates a powerful energetic wave that can change the course of human Consciousness. We have seen this phenomenon when

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Shih Yin

Quan Yin April Blog

The Earth Realms have been slumbering under the harsh conditions of a Spiritual Winter for a very long time. It is finally ready to enter the long awaited time for

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Shih Yin

The Valentine Phenomena

We are entering the 2nd month of the Fire Rooster’s dominance within the barn yard and stepping into the frequencies of human interpretations of LOVE. Valentine’s Day was a creation

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